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Product Updates
LMS Portal
Choosing Events within a Learning Path or a Course Template in an LMS Portal:
Events are now ordered with the most recent events displayed at the top, making it easier to find the latest opportunities
Events with zero places remaining are moved to the bottom of the list, keeping available events more prominent
Events with no remaining spots will no longer have a select button. Instead, a "Full" label is displayed in place of the button, ensuring transparency about availability
- The remainingPlaces field is now available under the eventField in the LMS GraphQL API
We resolved an issue where updating an Event’s Location (within the same Region) replaced customized prices with Course Template prices
Portals (LMS, WebLink)
We have fixed an issue where, when viewing a Report on the Schedule entity, and looking at the Event Needs → Proposed Sessions → Instructors relationship, the report would not load
The background Report generation now uses the Company’s locale for dates and other relevant data instead of a fixed “EN-GB” locale
We resolved an issue where changing the Course Template association on a draft Event did not properly remove instructor assignments for Sessions
When adding a new Event Administrator, they will now automatically be set as Primary if no Primary Administrator is already assigned. It is also now possible to designate a different Administrator as Primary even when a Primary Administrator is already set
We resolved an issue where non-admin users could not add Instructors to a private Event session
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