Courses and Course Templates
Courses are the training products that you offer made up of the catalog of courses and training from which you create Events. A single Course can be created as either Public or Private in any Location. To do this, you’ll need to create a Course Template.
A Course Template serves 3 main functions:
- Stores default values for each Course e.g. time/duration to save time when creating Events
- Takes the course information and generates a PDF brochure that can be given to prospects
The Course Templates serve all your training needs, be it Classroom or LMS (Learning Management System). You will see LMS-specific entries in the form of LMS Summary and LMS Resources in the Course Template.
You can access the Course Templates through Events → Course Templates in the menu.
When you visit the Course Templates screen, you can narrow down the list of Course Templates by searching in the text box, or you can view a set of options by clicking Filters. Here you’ll be able to filter down your Course Templates by:
- Course Status
- Course Level
- Price Level
- Course Category
(Read more about the definitions in the Basic Info tab)
View extra options to narrow your list of Course Templates by clicking ‘Filters’
You’ll also be able to see the status of your Course Templates:
Archived | Once you’ve scheduled an Event with a Course Template, you won’t be able to delete it. In lieu of this, you can Archive the Course Template (and Unarchive it later if you wish). Archived behavior is otherwise the same as Draft (below). Archiving a Course Template does not affect Events that have already been created from it. |
Draft | Events won’t be able to be scheduled with this Course Template nor be displayed on your website (WebLink). Once a Course Template is published, you can not change it back to Draft status. |
Published | Events can be scheduled with this Course Template, and the information can be displayed on your website |
You can set the status through the Options button in each Course Template, as well as download the Course PDF and duplicate the current Course Template. Please note that the option to delete a Course Template will only appear if there have been no Events scheduled with it.
The Options button lets you set the status of the Course Template, and other functions
Please see the individual tabs for more information:
Basic Info
Categories | The Course Categories that you’ve previously defined. |
Course Code | Each Course must have a code. Codes should be memorable: various areas of Administrate reference and display the Event’s Course Code rather than the Event Title. |
Course Images | Used for linking your Course to images stored in the Document Management System. This Course Template field is only for use within LMS and Weblink 2.0. Weblink 2.0 will display up to a total of 4 images. |
Course Level | Used to categorize your Courses by course level. You can filter by the course level on the Event List and display it on your Course PDF. You can create and edit these in the Control Panel. |
CPD | (Continuous Professional Development) If a student is awarded CPD credits for attending an Event the value of this field can be displayed on a Custom Certificate. |
Event Templates | Provides a predefined set of Event Custom Fields to this Course, so that they will be applied to the Event when scheduled. |
LMS Course Resources | Provides links of your choice, e.g., your company or external training material for the LMS Course. The format for each link should be entered as the name of the link and the web address, separated by a pipe (|) character. e.g. Administrate | |
LMS Summary | The text that is displayed for the Course on the LMS Homepage when a student logs in. Usually used to introduce the Course or provide Course-specific information. See the LMS documentation for more details. |
Min Places & Max Places | Used to set default values for the Minimum Students and Maximum Students on Events that use this Course Template. |
Target Fill Rate | Used to set the target fill rate of the Course. You can set this percentage anywhere between 0 and 100%. Setting it to 0 indicates that there is no intention to track target fill rates for events. Issues related to fill rates will be highlighted in the dashboard and on the Event Screen. |
Pricing Band | Used to categorize your Courses by how much they cost, e.g. Low, Medium or High tuition. |
Scores Templates | Provides a predefined set of marking or grading criteria for each Student registered to the Event. See Student Scores for more information. |
Survey Type | This refers to the type of survey which will be associated with your events. You can select either the default Administrate survey, or a SurveyMonkey survey. If you choose to use SurveyMonkey survey you will be able to select the specific survey you wish to associate with your events. |
Short Code | Used to signify a variation of a standard course e.g. when a client requires the Course content to be tweaked to fit their requirements. |
Featured in Portals | Used to set the Course as Featured. Featured Courses are displayed on the top of the Catalog (see Weblink & LMS) and are indicated with a featured label. |
Here you can set:
Define default Task Workflow Groups to apply for Events, select your qualified Instructors for this Course, and set Accounts associated with this course
Task Workflow Group
Set which Task Workflow Groups (comprising of Event Workflows ) to apply when you schedule an Event using this Course Template. Use CTRL (PC) or ⌘ (Mac) + mouse click to select multiple Task Workflow Groups.
Approved Instructors
Select the Instructors who are qualified to teach this particular Course. This will define the list of Instructors available for selection on the Event. If you don't select any Approved Instructors, then you will be able to select any of your Instructors when you add Personnel to an Event.
Include dormant instructors: this will display Instructors that have been marked as dormant ( in lieu of deleting Instructors ).
When adding Instructors, you can filter by Pay Rate (specified text box in the Instructor tab of their Contact) or Qualifications.
You can search for your Instructors based on Rate and/or Qualifications
Once added, the Instructor will be displayed along with their Qualifications (Credentials) and Notes (Contact Notes):
Your Instructors will be displayed along with their Qualifications (Credentials) and Notes (Contact Notes)
Show Instructors on PDF: Checking this option will show the Instructor section on the Course PDF and the Instructors name and notes (from the Contact record).
Account Associations
Here you can add a previously configured Account Association. This is great for reporting if you just want to see which Courses apply to your Account Associations. It is also used by our Promotions.
Set your default Event Documents and LMS Content (including External Activities) here. This will save you time when you have a default list of Events and/or Documents you wish to apply to an Event scheduled from your course. Please see the relevant aforementioned Events documentation, for more information on how to use this section.
Set your default Event Documents and LMS Content in the Content tab
In the Schedule tab, you will be able to specify a default Learning Mode and Schedule for your Events. The Schedule also determines the Duration (in days) displayed, based on the number of sessions to be created. The days and times will be applied to your Event’s Sessions. You’ll be able to modify these when you schedule your Event, using the Session Editor, so don’t worry if these values are not exact. For more information see our documentation on Events.
Set your default Learning Mode and Session days and times in the Schedule tab
Learning Mode | See Events Learning Modes. |
Default Session Start Time | Define what time your Sessions (physical classroom time, etc.) usually start. |
Default Session End Time | Define what time your Sessions usually end. |
Duration | Displays the duration of the session which is a calculated field based on the default session start and end set. |
Daily / Weekly | Define whether you base this Course on the number of days or weeks that this runs for: this selection will determine whether you choose Every n Days or Every n Weeks below. Select the days on which the training will usually be held. |
Start Day | Define the preferred day the Event should start. |
Every (days) | How many gaps per day are selected, e.g. every day = 1, every 2nd day = 2, etc. |
Every (weeks) | How often you need to repeat the week’s training, e.g. every week = 1, every fortnight = 2, etc. |
Ends (Occurrences) |
Daily: the number of Sessions to create, based on the
Weekly: the number of weeks to repeat the pattern.
Registration Deadline | See Registration Deadline. |
In this section, you can generate the default sessions which will be applied to your event. This is great if you have different names for different sessions or have multiple sessions per day of your event. If you click the Generate sessions button, it will use the logic set in the section above and create the sessions for you to look at and see how they would appear on an event.
You can now edit this session by clicking the 3 dots to the right of the Session. You can edit or delete a session in this way. In the image below, I have added an extra session for day 1 and changed their titles.
The Resource tab is used manage your Resource requirements allowing you to specify the resource types and quantity that are required for your sessions. The required resources that you define in the Course Template will be shown as a guide for which resources need to be booked in a table on your Event Outline. For more information on resources, see our documentation on Resource Management.
When you add a requirement to resources, you will specify which resource type and the quantity and then either check the box that the resource is required for all sessions or leave unchecked and select the specific sessions that require this resource type.
Here you can manage your Course Pricing and link Items to your Course Template. Please refer to the inline links to see further documentation for these functions.
Add and Edit Price and Item Mapping information from the Finance tab
You can use Course Templates to configure the default settings for Achievements on newly created Events.
In the Achievement section, you can add multiple Achievements that will be issued when the Learner passes the Event.
In the Automatically Pass Learners section, you can configure the rules which will be used for determining when the Learner has fulfilled the objectives of the Event and should be marked as Passed, and automatically receive the Achievement (if mapped).
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