Selecting the correct Entity when creating your report can save you time and get you to your desired outcome much faster. Have a look at the list of entities available below.
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Accounts are organizations you trade with. These can include your organizational departments, customers, prospects, or even suppliers. Any department or organization known to you will be considered an Account. A report using this entity will give you account-level information. If you wish to see a report with all the events/delegates from a certain account, use the delegate or event entity and use a filter condition for the account you want to report on.
Account Association
Associated Accounts allow users of Administrate to further organize their Course Templates and Learning Paths. Course Templates and Learning paths can be linked to any of the Accounts within your instance of Administrate via one or more configurable Association Types. A report using this entity could show you how many Courses or Learning Paths in your catalog are associated with your Association Type. For example, you may want to see how much of your catalog is available to your Partners or Sponsors.
Account Project
This entity will show you all the information related to your Account Projects. From contacts and project start and end to the lifecycle state of the project, this is where you need to go if you use this feature and require information about it specifically.
An Achievement report is a great way to view which students have been issued Achievements. You can filter by specific Achievements, Learners, Accounts & Achievement Types. And you can report on all the fields you'd expect such as Event/Path title, student name, expiry date of achievement, status, and descriptions.
Achievement Type
Achievement Types are used to classify and segment the Achievements you issue to your Learners. Reporting on this can be useful to see how many different events, learning paths or courses have an achievement assigned.
These Contacts will be counted as ‘Event Personnel’. They are typically the people who administer your events. A report under this entity is very similar to a report under the Contact entity with the filter “Is Administrator = Yes”.
All Transactions
A report under this entity will show each line item available inside every invoice on each row. If you wish to see the full invoice on a row, use the sales invoice entity.
These are the brands you have set up for your Student Portal or Weblink. This is a way to report on how many you have along with their ID.
Cancellation Request
Cancellation requests are a way to report on the requests for cancellation received directly from learners within the LMS. This functionality is often used in conjunction with Approval requests from the LMS.
You can report here on the dimensions of your certificates. The dimensions are listed in centimeters.
Certificate Generation Log
It is common to want to have a record of all Certificates that have been generated from the system. This is essentially a log to see if any of your certificates are not able to be generated.
The legal company represented in your instance. Note that if you have our Enterprise package, you may have multiple different Companies set up as different legal entities.
This is the second CRM entity layer which defines people who could be instructors, staff, coordinators, prospects, customers, or a random person with a unique identifier such as an email address. Like with the account entity, this will show you contact level information. If you wish to see a report with all the events/delegates from a certain account, use the delegate or event entity and use a filter condition for the account you want to report on.
Contact Credential
This entity will show you which LMS brand your contacts are associated with.
Courses are the parents of events/schedules. They represent the sellable package and template under which various events could be created.
Course Document
In order to aid the creation of your events, you can set documents at the Course Template level. These will then be on the event created under the Course Template. This report will enable you to see what documents are on your Courses at a glance.
Course LMS Resource
In order to aid the creation of your events, you can set eLearning content at the Course Template level. These will then be on the event created under the Course Template. This report will enable you to see what content is on your Courses at a glance.
Course Price
Every course has a pricing definition per region. This entity will give you a list of your public prices. These prices are generally used for your public events. This type of report can be useful to give you an export of all your prices if you are intending on doing a bulk update via the API.
Course Private Price
This entity will give you a list of your private prices. These prices are generally used for your private events. This type of report can be useful to give you an export of all your private course prices if you are intending on doing a bulk update via the API.
Course Resource Requirements
This entity will show you all the information related to your Resource Requirements on your Course Templates including the resource type, quantity required, and if it is required on all sessions. This is useful if you would like to see across your courses which resource types and quantities are required.
A delegate is a Contact with an event registration ID. In other words, a delegate is a learner/student. Note: This may be called Student in your instance. Delegates can also be unnamed in which case they will appear in your rows, but the name would be blank.
Discount Promotion Code
This will give you a list of all the Discount Promotion Codes you have set on the platform. This is a helpful report as you can see the status and when they are due to expire. This feature is in Beta at the moment.
Discount Promotion Codes Restrictions
This report will give you a list of your Promo Code Restrictions. You can also then show if any Courses or Learning Paths you have restrictions against for a certain Promotion Code. This feature is in Beta at the moment.
DMS Document
DMS is the document management system on Administrate. Any document hosted on the Document Management System is called a “DMS Document”. You can filter by categories or tags to give you a consolidated list of docs that reside on the platform. This can be helpful if doing an inventory and wanting to clean up/replace documents.
Document Category
This will give you a list of all the DMS categories you have set up on the platform.
Document Tag
You can put helpful, custom tags on any document within your DMS. This entity allows you to report on any tags you have created in the DMS. This can be a helpful list so you don't create duplicate tags. You may also want to export this list to other members of your organization.
This report will show you a list of emails that have been sent from the system. It is particularly useful if you want to see any emails that have not been successful and look for commonality. You can report on the body of the email along with the date it was created and any attachments that were sent. You can filter or report on a specific event, course, learning path, or opportunity too!
An enquiry is a query received that could be related to sales, customer support, or others. The enquiry could come from a direct email that is connected to Administrate, or manually created by a user after having taken an enquiry by phone or live. These email messages are usually sent to a shared inbox (such as info@ or enquiries@) and integrated into Administrate.
Evaluation Form Question
If using Administrate's default Evaluation Form, you can build a report showing all the questions you house on these forms.
Evaluation Form Result
If using Administrate's default Evaluation Form - you can build a report showing the results of your evaluations. You can sum, and average these results. You can also filter by specific events, courses, and categories.
Used for event-level information. If you want delegate-level information on a specific event(s), use the Delegate entity. Always put a 'Disposition' filter to decide whether you want to see all events and their sessions (sessions are considered events here) or choose Disposition --> not equals: Session to just see the parent-level event data.
Event Cost
If you need to see a more detailed breakdown of costs per event, this is the report for you. This report can show you the description, quantity, and nominal code it applies to from a financing perspective. If you just want to see all the high-level cost amount as a total on the event, you can use an Event entity report to show this.
Event Resource Requirements
This entity will show you all the information related to your Resource Requirements for your Events including the quantity booked versus the quantity required. It also includes the status of the resource type requirements as underbooked, booked, or overbooked. This makes it very easy to see across all your events where you still need to book resources.
Gift Voucher
If you want to report on how many gift vouchers you have sold along with information about the balance, when it was created, when it was activated, and which country it was sold to, this is the report for you.
Accounts are allocated to Industries using the Account Screen. The Industry entity is used in the Account by Industry stock CRM Report and can be used on Account reports.
A contact with “Is Instructor” checked as true. An instructor could be assigned to event sessions, and have his own grading scheme and timesheets. You can build more complex instructor reports, with more relations exposed, from the contact and event entities.
Instructor Payroll
If you are using the instructor payroll feature, this entity will show you who submitted the payroll request, the tutor’s details, and the amount.
This is for the legacy Sales System and will soon be deprecated.
Items are the other format of sellable entities within Administrate. Unlike events, items do not have any relation with dates or schedules. Items could be books, packages, fees, or lump sum rebate amounts. This report will give you an audit of what you have set up in your system.
Item Pricing
Every item has a set of pricing defined by region. Items could be set as taxable or discountable per region. This would be a helpful report for auditing purposes.
Learning Assignment
This entity will give you a report showing the learners on a particular path and their details including progress. You will get a row per learner per path with their overall progress and details at the path level.
Learning Objective
This entity is reporting on the objectives that make up your path. Your path could be made up of a number of different objectives such as Events, Courses, External Activities, or other nested Paths. There are relations for each of these types of objectives to get you the information you need. You may want to run a report like this to export the setup of your learning paths in order to plan new ones or update existing ones.
Learning Outcome
This entity will show if a student has completed an objective within a path and at what time. You can get to other relations such as the objective name and student information.
Learning Path
This entity will give you a report on the paths you have set up in the system. You may want a list of these to create marketing content or for auditing purposes.
Learning Path Price
If you need a list of prices for your Learning Path. This may be useful if you are looking to do a bulk update of your prices via the API.
LMS Discussion Comment
If you added a Discussion Topic to your Event Outline, this entity will allow you to review the comments that have been made on an Event.
LMS Quiz Question and Answer
This will give you the specific question and the answer to that question on each line. You can filter by contacts, events, courses, etc. This is useful if you want to see trends in answers to questions.
LMS Resource
The LMS Resource is the content you have on your events. If you want results to show you how a particular resource has been interacted with, choose this entity.
LMS Student Score
This entity will show you the interaction your students have had with our LMS. Within this entity, you can recreate the student history report (found on LMS/Blended Events). You will get a result row per attempt per resource.
Locations are where events take place. Locations are linked to Regions and can be assigned in Events, Resources, and Venues. This entity can be used to create a report of all the locations and associated regions.
Marketing Activity
This entity will allow you to report on Marketing Activities you've set up on the system. You can filter on a specific activity and report on details that relate to said activity.
Marketing Campaign Contribution
This entity allows you to report on the contribution made to a specific campaign. You can choose to report on different regions' contributions towards the cost of running the marketing campaign, as well as reporting on the course category the contribution was allocated against.
Marketing Contact
This entity allows you to report on contacts who have been added to your marketing lists. You can filter on the name of your marketing list if required.
Marketing List
This entity allows you to report on the number of marketing contacts assigned to your marketing lists.
Membership Job Role
This entity allows you to report on job roles and Contact's job roles, and job role assignments such as individual assignments per job role.
Nominal Account
Nominal accounts are the financial accounts associated with every financial transaction within Administrate. They are set up in the Control Panel under Chart of Accounts. Sales, credit notes, receipts, refunds, and stock transactions are all consolidated under nominal accounts which are defined in the system’s chart of accounts.
Opportunities (Beta)
This entity will show you all the information in one line on a specific opportunity. It is possible to see when an opportunity has most recently progressed to another step by using the 'Updated At' output column. You can filter by date range or any of the fields associated with your sales opportunities. You can also filter by Accounts, Contacts, Emails sent on a specific opportunity, and much more. This report will list your interests for the opportunity together in one cell. If you want individual lines per interest, use the Opportunity Interest Delegate entity.
This is for the legacy Sales System and will soon be deprecated.
Opportunity Interest
This entity will give you the individual interests on each line. For example, you may have one opportunity for a client who has registered interest in multiple events for multiple students. An example report from this entity would be one filtered by Account which allows you to see all the Interest activity over a given time period.
Opportunity Interest Delegate
This entity will give you the individual students per event interest on each line. For example, you might have an opportunity with 1 event interest. However, that interest might have 10 students on it. This entity will give you each student as a line item.
Payments and Refunds
A payment is a document validating the clearance of due amounts by your company to a supplier against a purchase invoice. Refunds are amounts of funds that have been returned to customers, or by a supplier to you for a given reason. This entity will show you these payments and refunds on your instance along with the associated account and nominal code.
Portal Login History
This is a useful report if you want to see when your students or a subset of students last logged in to any of your Administrate Student Portals.
Promo Code
This entity will give you a list of your legacy Promo Codes in the system. This area is soon to be deprecated and replaced with our Discount Promotions.
This will give you a list of promotions you have created in the system. This area is soon to be deprecated and replaced with our Discount Promotions.
Purchase Invoice
Each row in this entity will give you a summary of the items your company purchased from a supplier along with their price, quantity, discount, date, and any other applicable information found on the Purchase Invoice.
A qualification is an entity related to a contact tagged as “Instructor”. It represents the licenses, certifications, or any sort of valid and accredited qualification that the instructor had obtained.
Any transaction that involves a contact becoming a delegate by registering to an existing event, will result in a registration entity that holds all the details of the transaction including invoice number, date, event name, location, etc.
Registration Rule
A Registration Rule is created when using Automatic Registration (coming soon). This entity will show you the registration rule that was used to automatically register the learner to the learning path, creating the learning assignment.
This entity will give you a list of your Resources. A report under this entity may be useful for auditing purposes.
Resource Booking
This entity will show you which resources are being used on which events. You have a lot of filtering options here. this is a helpful report for auditing purposes and to see which of your resources are over/underutilized.
Resource Type
This entity will give you a list of your Resource Types, including any custom-made ones. This is a good report for auditing purposes.
Sales Invoice Transaction
This refers to the line item related only to sales invoices on Administrate. Whereas the “All Transactions” entity relates to every financial document and not only sales invoices but also purchase invoices as well. This report will give you a row for every line item on an invoice.
Sales Ledger Entry
This refers to any item which makes it to your sales ledger in the system. This includes payments, refunds, invoices, and credit notes. Along with their price, their quantity, discounts, dates, and any other applicable information.
Sales Ledger Invoice
This entity will give you a list of invoice information on each line. It will give you the totals on the invoice. If you require a report showing the individual line items, choose Sales Invoice Transaction as your entity.
Sales Target
This is a legacy entity and will soon be deprecated.
A submission is an inquiry resulting from a specific marketing activity that has a landing page specific to the activity/offer generated. This entity will give you a report showing any submissions that have come through to your message center.
Survey Monkey Answers
This entity will give you feedback on the questions/answers within specific surveys. Every line will be an answer.
Survey Monkey Questions
This will give you a list of all questions if left unfiltered. You will want to filter on a specific survey to see the list of questions that are asked.
Survey Monkey Responses
This entity will give you feedback on the status of the entire survey. Each line will be a survey/list of surveys.
Survey Monkey Surveys
This entity will show you a list of surveys you have active within Administrate.
Tasks are activities completed against a contact, an account, an opportunity, or an event. Tasks could be created by users, or they could be generated automatically in the form of emails synced from the email account of the user.
Token Order Receipt
This entity will generate one row for each receipt you have generated for a registration where the currency is a token.
Token Transaction
This entity will generate one row for each token transaction (Buy, Redeem, Adjust Balance, or Expire) that has been made in the instance.
Token Type
This entity will generate one row for each token type that has been created in the control panel (note that you cannot filter on or output on "is archived" for token types despite being able to archive them).
Training token
This entity will generate one row for each token transaction of type "BUY”.
A user is anyone with access to the Administrate Training Management System (TMS).
User Logins
This is a legacy entity and will soon be deprecated. If you wish to see logins for your users you can use the User entity.
Venues are used to specify the building that your Events will take place in. The venue provider must have an Account that is designated as a supplier and venue. This entity will only show you venues as defined on the Event for the venue provider’s Account. If you want a list of all Venues in your instance, use the ‘Venue’ entity.
Workplaces are assigned to contacts and instructors and are used to group the locations to help schedule events and mass filtering on availability calendars. This entity can be used to create a report of all the workplaces and the associated locations and regions.
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