What is a Company?
Companies are the trading entities that you own/work for. Use the Companies setting to define your Trading Name, Company Registration details, Logo, and working patterns.
Who should use a Company?
Each Administrate subscription needs at least one Company. Your first Company will be provided for you; however, please review the Companies setting and make any changes as necessary.
Who should use multiple Companies?
Multiple Companies can be used when your organization contains multiple units that operate independently of each other, with the benefit of being able to report on all units as a whole. In addition, having multiple Companies lets you report on Events and Finances by Company, as well as provide different branding for external communications.
This is ideal for franchises as the information within the database may be segmented. See the following section, Company-Based Permissions, for more information.
You don’t need to have multiple Companies if you operate in different countries, different tax rates, or different currencies. For this, please see Regions.
Company-Based Permissions
If you have set up multiple Companies, you will have the option of segmenting parts of your database by Company. You may wish to do this if the individual Companies are in competition with each other, or simply to hide irrelevant information such as events scheduled or sales data.
The following options can be found in the Permissions setting in the Control Panel:
Enable Global Course Template List – Share your Course Templates among all your Companies (Yes), or let your Companies own their own (No).
Enable Account Segregation – Let your Companies own Accounts (Yes) or share Accounts among all your Companies (No).
Enable Workflow Segregation – Let your Companies specify their own Event Workflows (Yes) or use a standardized Event Workflow for all Companies (No).
Role-Based Permissions
The Super Company Member Role lets users view data from all the Companies. This should be strictly reserved for Users that should have access to all the data across every Company.
Company Name | The name of your company as it’s known internally |
Short Code | A code to reference your company in alphanumeric form |
Registration Numbers | Use this area to add in registered company numbers or tax registration numbers. The content entered here will appear in the footer of your evaluation form. |
Account | Each Company must be linked to an Account. The address details contained in the footer of customer-facing documents (e.g., invoice, course PDF) are fetched from the Account. To ascertain which company is associated with which Account, please view the Edit Company Details Table in the Companies section of the Control Panel. The first column denotes the Company name, and the second column displays the Account name. |
Base Currency | When viewing financial data, the values will be returned using your base currency by default. |
Logo | The logo you’ll display on all customer-facing documents. Logos can be uploaded in .jpg, .png, or .bmp formats. To make full use of the space available, we recommend dimensions of at least 200 x 80 and a similar ratio. |
Certificate Logo | The logo you’ll display on your certificate. Logos can be uploaded in .jpg, .png, or .bmp formats, and we recommend using a high-resolution image. |
Certificate Signature | The signature that can be used on your certificate(s). This needs to be configured on your certificate template(s). |
Certificate Background | An image that can be used as the background of your certificate(s). This needs to be configured on your certificate template(s). |
Default Sales Tax | The default tax rate that is applied to financial documents created by the Company. |
Locale | Select the locale for that Company. This will define the local date and time format used by the Company. |
First Day of the Week | Select the local first working day for that Company. |
Non-Working Days | Select the non-working day(s) for that Company. |
Time Zone | Select the local time zone for that Company. |
Invoice Language | Select the preferred invoice language for that Company. |
Invoice and Credit Note Compliance | Use this to enable UAE/KSA compliance when viewing Invoices and Credit Notes in English. This will display 'Tax Invoice' or 'Tax Credit Note' in the PDF of the Invoice or Credit Note. |
Bank Details | Use this section to advise customers on how to pay their invoices, for example, include your sort code, account number, and payment terms. You can specify bank details for each currency that you invoice in. |
Localization preferences are visible on the calendar
- Check that an Account for your new Company exists. If it doesn’t, please create an Account for it.
- Go to the Control Panel and then select Companies.
- Click Add Company.
- Complete all the required fields, then click Save Company.
- Go to the Control Panel and then select Companies.
- Click on the display name of the Company you wish to edit.
- Update the fields you require and click Save Company to save it, or Abort if you wish to cancel any changes made.
You can only delete a Company if there are no dependencies assigned to it, e.g., Sales Invoices, Registrations, and Website Orders. Please edit or delete all dependencies first before attempting to delete a Company. Note that we don’t consider the deletion of related data to be best practice unless you’re cleaning up test or dummy data.
- Go to the Control Panel and then select Companies.
- Click on the display name of the Company you wish to edit.
- Click Delete and confirm.
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