Instructors are Contact records that teach your Events . They may be employed directly by you, and therefore are Contact records within your Company’s Account. If they contracted, they’ll be a Contact record within the Account that the Instructor works for, or an Individual if they’re not affiliated with an organization.
You can view a list of your Instructors by navigating to Instructors -> Instructors. Alternatively, search for an Instructor’s name using the icon in the menu bar.
If you visit an Instructor’s Contact screen, it’ll contain all of the information found on a regular Contact screen, with an additional Instructor tab.
Instructor Tab in the Instructor’s Contact screen
This tab provides the following Instructor information:
- Instructor Payment Report
- Instructor Details
- Evaluation Form Results
- Instructor Rates (see also Instructor Rates for the Control Panel)
- Qualifications
- Email Events to Instructor
Create an Instructor
- Create a Contact as normal and view that Contact’s page
- Click Edit
- Check Instructor
- Click Save
Your Instructor has been now created and you can view details relevant to the Instructor in the Instructor tab of the Contact screen.
Edit an Instructor
If you’re editing the Contact information only, you can edit a Contact as normal.
To edit the Instructor’s details, use the Instructor tab on the Contact’s page:
- Click Edit
- Enter the details as required
- Click Save
Instructor Qualifications
In the Instructor tab:
- Click New Qualification
- Enter the details as required
- Click Save
Delete an Instructor
You will not be able to delete an instructor that contains dependencies such as event registrations, opportunities and open tasks. We don’t recommend deleting instructors with past history. Instead, use the ‘Dormant’ function within the Instructor details to retain the Contact as an inactive instructor.
It’s better practice to set an Instructor to Dormant than to delete them.
If you need to delete the Instructor’s Contact, please see deleting a Contact .
Instructor Availability
For any given month, you can view a day by day, week by week or month by month breakdown of your Instructor’s scheduled training delivery. This is useful for planning ahead with your Instructor bookings, and have a visual view of your Instructor sessions. To access it, go to the Instructors menu and click on Availability.
There are a set of filter options to assist in narrowing searching for Instructor information:
Set filters to get the Instructor information you require
Checking ‘Exclude unscheduled Instructors’ will prevent showing Instructors who are not booked for any Events in the given month and year.
Each of the coloured boxes indicate a Session. If you hover over a booked session, you’ll see additional information, such as the time that session covers and how many students have expected to attend (based on the Registrations).
Hover your mouse cursor over the booked session to see more information.
All of the following reporting tools can be found in the Instructors’ menu.
- Instructors - Allows you to apply complex queries to your list of instructors querying data from the instructors account, contact, instructor and qualification details. See our filtered reports guide for assistance.
- Instructor Availability - View all of your Instructors’ Events and holidays in a calendar view. Useful for working out which instructor is free when scheduling events.
- Events by Instructor - A list of all future Events grouped by Instructor.
- Event Totals by Instructor - Shows the sum of all Events run by each Instructor and the number of days they have taught for all Events.
- Instructor Qualifications - Lets you apply complex queries to your list of Instructors querying data from the Instructor’s Contact details and qualifications. See our filtered reports guide for assistance.
Instructor Payment Report
You can view how much you should be paying Instructors, based on their Instructor Rate (which can be global or customised per Instructor ), for any given period of time. In the Instructor tab of the Instructor’s Contact screen, simply click on Instructor Payment Report to access this.
Access to the Instructor Payment Report
To query the Instructor Payment Report:
- Select the Date Range you wish
- Select the currency the Instructor is to be paid in
- Select the Region where the Instructor taught (where the Events took place)
- Select whether you wish to see public, private (IHT), or all Events
- Click Display Courses
- Select the Courses you wish to report on with the checkboxes on the left
- Click on Display Report - this will display the report
Select the Courses you wish to report on with the checkboxes on the left
Results of the Report Query
From here you’ll be able to Create a Time Sheet PDF and Submit to Payroll .
If you do not have any default Instructor rates applied, or if the Instructor has missing Rates, then you will be prompted to specify the rates for the Report. Once you have specified the Rates, you can click on Display Report and the Report will display with the Rates you have just provided.
Access to the Instructor Payment Report
Create a Time Sheet PDF
You can create a time sheet for the Instructors based on the Instructor Payment Report queried for the Courses an Instructor has taught for a given time period. Simply click on the Create PDF button, which becomes available once a report has been generated.
Create PDF button available when you create a Report
Example of an Instructor’s Time Sheet
You can mark which Events have been submitted to payroll (your own process), so that you can track which Events have been sent for payment processing.
Simply check the Submit checkbox in the Payroll column, then click Submit Checked Rows to Payroll . This will automatically mark this as being submitted by the Administrate User’s initials. From here on, this will appear as having been sent to payroll, preventing you from making duplicate payments.
Check off Events that have been processed for Instructor payments
Instructor Rates
For more information on global Instructor Rates, please refer to the Instructor Rates setting in the Control Panel .
In the section called ‘Rates’, you would be able to view, edit, or add any Rates for this Instructor.
Instructor Rates on the Instructor’s Contact Screen
Changes made from the Instructor’s Contact will not affect any of those made in the Control Panel setting. i.e. if you create or edit a Rate from the Instructor’s Contact, it won’t add itself or change the values to the default set of rates in the Instructor Rates setting in the Control Panel. This is useful for setting individual rates for an Instructor, for example, allowing for higher rates for a preferred or more experienced Instructor.
Create a Rate
Simply click on New in the Rate section. A form will open, similar to that of the one below for Edit a Rate, that will let you add a Rate. Save the changes once you’ve made your entry.
Edit a Rate
Simply click on the Edit link for the Rate that you wish to edit. An Edit window will appear. Make changes and save them as appropriate.
Edit the Instructor’s Rate from their Contact record
As previously mentioned, changes made here are independent from those set in the Instructor Rates in the Control Panel.
Reset Rates to Default
If you’ve made any mistakes in updating individual rates for a particular Instructor, you can easily reset them to the defaults specified in the Control Panel’s Instructor Rates . Simply click on Reset Rates to Default to do this. You will be greeted with a confirmation box that tells you what you’re about to do and that you will lose any custom changes you’ve made for the rates for this particular Instructor.
Email Events to Instructor
With this function you can email all future events that the instructor is scheduled for to the instructor. The event details and names of delegates will be included automatically within this email.
- Edit the System Email ‘Instructor Upcoming Events’ template before you send your first email.
- From the Instructor contact screen click the link titled ‘Email Events to Instructor’ in the top right of the screen.
- If required edit the content of the email and click ‘Confirm and send email’.
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