Our customizable sign-in sheets give you greater flexibility over the information you want to capture when students are signing in to your Classroom events. Whereas the standard Sign-In Sheets on events give you the option of adding additional columns, this version allows you to construct a PDF using HTML and pull in variable content such as the Event details, resources, and student details.
How to create a Sign-In Sheet
- From the Control Panel, Click on Document Templates
- Click on Document Templates
- Click on the "Create Template" button
- Give your sign-in sheet a name
- Under Category, select "Events"
- You can now edit your template using the WYSIWYG editor in the Main Content section
- You can use the header section to add your page header, such as your logo. When you print to PDF and if your document is more than one page, the header will be repeated on each page. Similarly, the footer page will also be repeated on each page.
- Note you have further control over the styling when it is converted to PDF - this section is at the bottom of this page.
- Click Submit and then Save
How to use Sign-in Sheets
- Navigate to the Students Tab on your Event
- Click on Options
- Click Print Outs
- Select your template
- Now you can either Print straight away or click preview to see a preview of what your printout will look like
Building and designing your template
You have the option to use either the rich text editor or HTML to create your templates. The choice depends on the complexity of the template you are building; for more complex templates, you may prefer to use HTML over the editor.
Let's create a document similar to this one.
Example 1: Building using the WYSIWYG Editor
- In this example, I used a 3 column table to create the header section
- I also used tables to create the various parts of the content
- Now that the design is in place, I used the Merge Field picker to insert all the necessary Event related information.
- To create the student list, I used the Macro field, which allows embedding a table list of students. This can be configured to display additional information without needing to use HTML code.
- That's it!
Example 2: Building in HTML
You can use the Code View editor to build complex layouts and incorporate advanced logic into your documents. This editor allows you to directly edit the HTML and CSS, giving you complete control over the design and structure.
Please note that switching between the Code View editor and the Rich Text editor will strip your HTML. Therefore, it is advisable to build your sign-in sheet solely in HTML if you are using the Code View editor.
Example Sign in sheet Template:
The below Template will list the Named Students followed by the Unnamed Students underneath for each Event Session, with each Event Session displayed on an individual page.
<p>{% for session in event.sessions %} </p>
<p>Day {{ loop.index }}: {{ session.start.strftime('%d %b %Y') }} </p>
<p>{{ make_table( headers=['Name', 'Company', 'Notes', 'Signature'], columns=[ '{{ item.contact.full_name }}', '{% if item.contact %}{{ item.contact.account.name }}{% else %}{{ item.registration.account.name }}{% endif %}', '', '' ], widths=[40, 20, 20, 20], items=event.all_students | selectattr('contact', 'ne', None) | sort(attribute='contact.full_name') )}}</p>
<p>{{ make_table( headers=['Name', 'Company', 'Notes', 'Signature'], columns=[ '-', '{{ item.registration.account.name }}', '', '' ], widths=[40, 20, 20, 20], items=event.all_students | selectattr('contact', 'eq', None) )}}<br></p><br>
<p>Total Number of Students: {{ event.all_students | length }}</p>
<p>Instructor Signature: ________________________</p><br><br>
<p>{% if not loop.last %}
<div class="page-break">
<p>{% endif %} {% endfor%}</p>
Copy the above code snippet, go to an Document Template for Type 'Event' and paste the above in the "Main Content" section. Select 'Keep' when prompted in the "Paste as HTML" pop up.
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