When creating a Token Issue - the system will also generate a Payment Code to live alongside the token in trainingTokenIssues.paymentCode. In some upcoming work, this Payment Code can be used to checkout in the Booking Portal.
We added emailFolders field to an EmailAccount, which lets users query the EmailFolders associated with the account.
- We added province to PostalAddress. This replaces the previous provinceCode field giving access to a Province entity rather than just the code.
Deprecation notices
- The name, description, and instructions fields for LmsContent have been marked deprecated and will be removed on October 5, 2022. These values are available in new fields displayName and htmlDescription mapped according to Content Type.
- Two LearningOutcomeMutations, recordDocumentDownload and recordUrlVisit, are being removed on October 20, 2022. These Learning Path mutations have been replaced with LearnerMutations recordResourceDownload and recordExternalContentAccessed.
URLObjectives and DocumentObjectives and their outcomes are being removed from Learning Paths on October 20, 2022. These are Learning Path Objectives that were supported in an older version of the API, and were never configurable through GraphQL. There is very limited usage of these by Administrate Users.
ContactCredentialsMutations (resetPassword, requestPasswordResetTokenForUsername, signIn and signInViaSingleSignOn) are being removed on October 21, 2022. These were used by an older version of the Administrate LMS which is being decommissioned.
LMSConfiguration.loginViaIDP is being removed on October 21, 2022, as all LMS portals should now login via the Administrate identity service or configure a BrandIdentityProviderConfiguration.
isContactCredentialsPasswordResetTokenValid is being removed on October 21, 2022, as all password resets should be handled by the identity provider, not the GraphQL API.
PostalAddress.provinceCode is being remove on November 10, 2022, it has been replaced with a new PostalAddress.province field. This fixes the previous anti-pattern and introduces the appropriate nested object.
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