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Platform Update Emails
As of February 14th, 2022, Administrate will revise our approach to communicating product changes. As transparency is one of our core values, we wanted to share the background behind this change.
Prior to the Change
Historically, we’ve sent out a weekly email blast, which detailed all the bug fixes and feature changes released (typically on a Monday), regardless of the significance or impact on our users. This aligned with our release cycle for changes, and many of our customers were accustomed to this cadence.
Going Forward
As our platform and engineering practices have evolved, we’ve shortened our release cycle allowing, in particular, high-priority fixes and updates to go out as soon as they are ready. Other changes and features are also no longer tied to this strict weekly schedule.
Rather than increase the frequency of our release emails and make them less relevant for fewer users, we’re going to transition our product update emails to a less frequent schedule and will feature more significant product updates and Administrate news.
We know some of you wish to keep abreast of all changes and updates, so we will continue to post them publicly here in our support documentation and offer ways to subscribe to those updates, and have included instructions below. For everyone else, no action will be required to make the transition to the updated format.
Following All Product Updates
Subscribe to Emails on the Support Portal
- Sign In using the link at the top of the screen.
- Go to [Release Notes], click the TMS & LMS section
- Click the Follow button.
You can also follow our Developer Release Notes this way.
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