Core API Documentation | Deprecation Notices
- The Catalogue hasValidPriceForRegion filter has been updated to no longer include deleted Learning Paths.
- The jobRole.update mutation has been updated so that it can be called with an unchanged name field, and the run successfully.
All Account mutations have been changed so all create and update mutations can set the parent account via an external id. The new field is parentAccountExternalId.
- We have fixed an issue where, when registering a Learner on a Learning Path that contained a nested Learning Path as an Objective, the nested Path would not be correctly marked as completed if the Learner had previously already completed the Path. Before this fix, the nested Path’s Objectives would be marked as complete, but the Path itself would not.
- We addressed an issue in the Event and CourseTemplate types and related queries where accessing the field achievementTypes could return an error if the Event or Course Template were associated to an archived Achievement Type. Querying those types now returns the list of achievements without erroring.
LMS API Documentation | Deprecation Notices
No Changes
WebLink API Documentation | Deprecation Notices
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