We added a new makeStandard mutation for Accounts allowing you to convert an Individual Account back to a standard account.
We have fixed a few issues in our Invoice type and our Interest type to ensure the discount and tax amounts are calculated consistently according to the unit method.
The Learner expiresAt field is now set to the Contact’s latest available Training Pass expiry date which is valid for the Course if they are registered with a Training Pass.
We improved the ContactMutations.delete mutation so that when a Contact is deleted, all their credentials for every brand are also deleted.
Users with Event Delegates - View permissions are now able to access the Contact object contained within a Learner as well as the Account object of that Contact. Users are still restricted to their permissions if they try to access these as root queries.
Deprecation notices
isTaxInclusiveOnly is being deprecated as a WebLink portal feature. This is a setting that tells WebLink that prices set in Administrate include tax. Prices and taxes should be set in Administrate and the taxInclusive setting determines if prices are shown in WebLink with tax or not. This will be removed on February 28, 2023.
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