We added a mutation that duplicates a Session on an Event.
Deprecation notices
PostalAddress.provinceCode is being removed this week, it has been replaced with a new PostalAddress.province field. This fixes the previous antipattern and introduces the appropriate nested object.
We deprecated includedInTrainingPasses on CatalogItems (CourseTemplate and LearningPath) in favor of includedInPassTypeIds for better API performance. It will be removed this week.
The fields instructions and description for the createLmsResource mutation and updateLmsResource mutation have been deprecated. These values can now be set using displayName and htmlDescription matching the LmsContent fields. These deprecated fields will be removed on December 5, 2022.
The WebLinkPortal.updateAccountForExistingContacts field is being removed December 10, 2022. This setting had no effect.
A validation to prevent archived token types being used in the trainingTokenIssues.create mutation will be introduced on January 17, 2022. If an archived training token type is used, an error will be returned. As this is a change in behavior, we are treating it as a deprecation of functionality.
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