Matt Taylor
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Latest activity by Matt Taylor-
Matt Taylor created a post,
User activity reports/actions requiring authorisation
This idea is based on the issue we have where we have new staff members who are still undergoing training, or potentially unproductive members of staff where we need to be able to verify their work...
Matt Taylor created a post,
Trigger - permissions
Currently, non-super users cannot access the Triggers section of the control panel. This presents the following problems:* Either we have a bottle neck, where our limited number of Super Users (lim...
Matt Taylor created a post,
Calendar integration - session # information
It's common for our instructors to share an event, eg a six session event, with the primary instructor teaching sessions 1, 2, 4, 5, 6. Due to circumstances, another instructor may be brought-in to...
Matt Taylor created a post,
Suspend Obsolete Accounts
I would like a function to mark Accounts as 'suspended', which prevents further registrations/invoices.This functionality would be for the following situations:* Companies which are no-longer tradi...
Matt Taylor commented,
That's very concerning to hear! Thanks for the heads-up. We definitely need a permission for finalising invoices - it's very high risk.
Matt Taylor commented,
Hey Robin, are you finding this easier now with the new Event layout? I still feel there's room for improvement, but now being able to see session clashes at the bottom of the setup tab of an event...
Matt Taylor commented,
Revisiting this - it would also be helpful, when moving a Contact from one Account to another, for ADM to present an option: 'would you like to move all upcoming event registrations for this contac...
Matt Taylor created a post,
Student booking conflicts - similar flag to personnel conflicts
The recent updates to Instructor admin have been great - we can now easily see when an instructor has been assigned to two events on the same date/time. It would be great if there was a similar fu...
Matt Taylor created a post,
User permissions - separate Finalise Invoice from Edit Invoice
PlannedOften when creating an invoice, we need to add Adhoc items to that invoice, so technically editing it after creation. However, we only want certain authorised personnel to be able to Finalise an in...
Matt Taylor created a post,
Customising the Contact screen - hiding irrelevant sections/defaulting sections to be expanded rather than collapsed
Back in the day, there wasn't a 'date of birth' contact field, so we added one as a custom field. More recently, the 'passport' section has been added to the contact screen, which includes a date ...