Document Categories are useful in cases where you want to attach a kind of Document to a Communication Template, but the actual Document attached is specific to the context of the Course Templates or Events that the Communication Trigger targets. For example, most courses have some kind of introductory document — such as syllabus or agenda — which will be unique to the course. Documents on the Course Template or Event can be associated with a Document Category "Agenda", and those Documents can be dynammically attached to any Communication Templates that are set up to include Documents of that same Document Category.
To get started, set up your Document Categories on the "Document Categories" screen in the Control Panel.
When uploading or editing an existing DMS Document, you may select which Categories the Document belongs to.
If you associate the Document with a Course Template or Event, you will then be able to use dynamic Category-based attachments with Communication Templates.
When editing a Communication Template, click on "+" button next to Email Attachments. If you select "Categories" under the Root, you'll see the Document Categories listed. Select the Document Category associated with the Document you uploaded to your Course Template or Event.
When the Communication Template is sent to a recipient via a Course Template or Event targeted Communication Trigger, the system will dynamically attach the Documents of the appropriate Category.
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