
Vicki Praest Andersen

  • Total activity 40
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  • Following 0 users
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  • Votes 3
  • Subscriptions 26


Recent activity by Vicki Praest Andersen Sort by recent activity Recent activity Votes
  • Sorting in LMS

    We would like to have the LMS courses showing in the LMS based on when they were added to the learners overview. With the newest course to the left – this option should be default and added to the ...

  • Booking Portal: Event Dates To Appear Top of Course Page

    When I'm in the Booking Portal and click on a Course, I’d like to see the Event Dates table appear at the top of the page rather than after the Course information as it currently does.

  • Booking Portal: Learning Path View


    When I’m viewing Learning Paths in the Booking Portal, I’d like to be able to see the same details that I can see when viewing Learning Paths in normal Weblink portal.

  • Booking Portal: List of Own Bookings

    Not planned

    When I’m in the Booking Portal, I’d like to be able to see a list of all of my own Bookings rather than / as well as the list of all Company Bookings.

  • Booking Portal: Recently Searched

    When I’m searching the Booking Portal Catalogue I tend to search for the same Courses over and over, I’d like to be able to see a 'Recently Searched' section/list so save time.

  • Booking Portal: Improve Search in Catalogue

    When I’m searching in the Booking Portal 'Browse Catalogue', I'd like my search to return the most relevant/accurate results first. For example, if I search for "ABC First Aid" if I have a Course m...

  • Weblink: Catalogue View

    Not planned

    When I’m viewing the Weblink Catalogue, I'd like to be able to select a list view instead of the tile grid view.

  • Sending Address: Ability to Delete

    Not planned

    When I’m reviewing Sending Addresses, I’d like to be able to delete them. The main reason for this is they may no longer be in use or have been added incorrectly or by mistake.  

  • Resources: Booking Without An Event

    Not planned

    When I’m Booking a Resource outside of an Event, I’d like to be able to enter free text under the 'Reason' instead of having pre-defined Reasons to select from.

  • Sales Opportunities: Change Currency After Saving

    Not planned

    When I create a Sales Opportunity and set the Currency and Save, I’d like to be able to have the option to change the Currency in future. The main reason for this is sometimes due to a customer mov...