
Peter Beckham

  • Total activity 37
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Votes on activity by Peter Beckham Sort by votes Recent activity Votes
  • 2022-09-05 Developer notes

    GraphQL API Features The Learning Path addPrice and updatePrice mutations now accepts an optional tokenTypeId (exclusive with currencyCode) parameter which allows pricing the Path in Training Tok...

  • 2023-06-19 Developer notes

    Core API LMS API WebLink API Core API    Documentation | Deprecation Notices If you have enabled the “Enforce Duplicate Registration Restriction” Sales Opportunity setting, you can now re-regis...

  • 2023-05-15 Developer notes

    Core API LMS API WebLink API Core API    Documentation | Deprecation Notices No Changes LMS API   Documentation | Deprecation Notices Deprecations The following deprecated fields have now been re...

  • 2023-04-10 Developer notes

    Developer Portal Core API LMS API WebLink API Developer Portal    Documentation Features We have added an "Upcoming API Changes" page for each of the Core, WebLink, and LMS APIs in the Develope...

  • How & Why We Retire Functionality

    As a product team, it’s our responsibility to deliver the most valuable product to the market, which means we’re always looking ahead and planning for the future. A common misconception is that the...

  • 2023-01-30 Developer notes

    GraphQL API Deprecation notices isTaxInclusiveOnly is being deprecated as a WebLink portal feature. This is a setting that tells WebLink that prices set in Administrate include tax. Prices and tax...

  • 2023-01-23 Developer notes

    GraphQL API Features We added a new makeStandard mutation for Accounts allowing you to convert an Individual Account back to a standard account. Fixes We have fixed a few issues in our Invoic...

  • 2023-01-16 Developer notes

    GraphQL API Fixes When creating a new Communications Template, if the subject is submitted as either null or an empty string, a default of “(No subject)” will be set instead. Deprecation notices ...

  • 2023-01-09 Developer notes

    GraphQL API Fixes We updated the plan query to fix errors that were occurring when Plans contain Course Templates with no Session Template start/end time values. Deprecation notices The updat...

  • 2022-12-19 Developer notes

    GraphQL API WebLink API GraphQL API Deprecation notices A validation to prevent archived token types being used in the trainingTokenIssues.create mutation will be introduced on January 17, 2022...