Reporting For Communication Templates
It would be VERY helpful to have Reporting for Communication Templates.
Generally, this would be used for me to see what the attachments are for every template. Currently I have to open each template to see what the attachments are. If I could report on this, it would save a great amount of time.
- Recently I needed to see what templates had the Session iCal attachments. I had to open each and every template to check.
- I want to do a general “check” to see what attachments are on the templates. Again, I have to go into each one to see.
- We’ve added a new type of Document attachment (Category) that needs to go on some of the templates. I can’t see which ones I’ve added it to or haven’t.
When I had to add the Session iCal attachment where missing, I ended up doing a print screen of every page here.
Printed that and checked off manually which ones I updated to make sure I captured them all. Currently I have 4 pages of templates, and it’s always growing.
If I could report on the templates and what attachments they have, I could easily see which templates used this attachment, and then export to excel.
Another example would be that every year I need to change the copyright date on every template. If I could view in a report and export to Excel, I could then just use the excel to “check off” which ones I had fixed, rather than doing print screens.
Bonus would be having the ability to select the template directly from the Report and open it. (I know this works for some reporting, but not all.)
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