
GraphQL - filter by lastUpdatedAt



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    Tom Sparrow

    There's not even a createdAt filter on Contacts. It's so inconsistent and hard to tell where an approach will fall over due to a missing feature on one type that's present on another.

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    Tom Sparrow

    Today's discovery: some types have updatedAt options. Events only have updatedAt and no createdAt, and several have neither updated or created dates.

    Learners have updated, but it's labelled differently.

    • Accounts: createdAt 
    • Contacts: neither
    • Opportunities: createdAt, updatedAt
    • Events: only updatedAt (!? I guess that covers created at as well, a bit...)
    • CourseTemplates: neither
    • Learners: createdAt, lastUpdatedAt
    • Invoices: createdAt
    • Tasks: dueDate, but neither of the others.
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