Opportunity fields - various adjustments
Summary of product suggestions:
* Renaming Opportunity fields (attributes)
* Changing Opportunity field type of an existing attribute (eg changing a number to a string and retaining the data should be fine: I understand that changing from a string to a number may cause issues if the field contains data which is not a number)
* Archiving an Opportunity field/attribute where a field should no-longer be selectable
* Deleting an Opportunity/field if it has not been used, or otherwise accepting that deleting a field will result in the loss of any data contained in said field
It isn't currently possible to 'archive' an opportunity fields/attributes, or delete unnecessary/unused fields. It also seems to no-longer be possible to rename fields once they have been created.
Where we've been experimenting with data imports, we have various unused fields which we have just had to move to a different place in the Layout config to internally indicate that they're not active, but they still appear as a potential attribute for selection when using the workflow configuration.
We have had to discontinue fields where, for instance, we initially set them as a number field and have had to replace them with a duplicate field set to string rather than number.
Official comment
Hi Matt,
Thanks for your suggestion. Unfortunately, this is not something on our radar and is not planned to be in the next 12 months. If anything changes on that front or workarounds come up, we’ll be sure to let you know on this post. Though you should be able to rename the Opportunity attributes, by clicking the pencil icon and entering in a new name.
Many thanks,
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