Event Default End Time Changes to Following Day when the Start Time is Edited
When I create an event from a course template and there is no schedule specified in the course template, the event times are set to -
Start time - 00:00
End time - 23:59
If the event is for a single session and I change the start time to the correct time, the end time is then set to the new start time + 23 hours and 59 minutes. This means that the new end time is in the following day. Users are not noticing that the date has changed and are changing the end time.
This means that the session is showing as running for 24+ hours.
The same happens for course templates that are for multiple session events, but in this instance the times are not displayed in the Setup tab and need to be accessed via a modal.
The solution would be that -
1. For single session course templates with no times specified, we don't set a start or end time, prompting the user to enter these.
2. For multi session course templates with no times specified, we set the default session times to more reasonable times eg 09:00 - 17:00
LOVE THIS! I do not like how when a course does not have sessions you get that "goofy" time. Nothing would be better and then they would have to enter it.
I don't understand:- For multi session course templates with no times specified, we set the default session times to more reasonable times eg 09:00 - 17:00
Is there the possibility to have sessions in a Course without times specified?
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