
Venues - various suggested improvements



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    Gilles Benyon-Bell

    Hi Matt and Robin,

    Thanks so much for the input here. May I ask a question?

    The fields you mention already exist on Locations (even the Longitude and Latitude) - is there a reason you use Venues over Locations?

    In saying that, we are going to be working on a project shortly on addressing the Event List page and the ability to filter on more advanced fields. I'll pass this one directly to the team involved there.

    Many thanks

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    Robin Van Brunt

    I agree it would be nice to be able to search on Venue for Events and also it would be nice to have custom fields available for Venues.  I also don't need longitude and latitude... does anyone?  hahaa :-)

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    Matt Taylor

    I'd be stunned if anyone uses those fields! 😅

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    Robin Van Brunt

    Hi Gilles-Benyon-Bell

    Our global admins create venues generally as customer sites or hotels.  We create Venues when an event is not taking place at one of our Training Centers which are locations.  Currently there are about 80 venues in our system.  

    Having custom fields could be helpful to the admins so that they could pull in information as Matt mentioned, such as details just related to that venue.  But in our case, we could probably use Custom Account fields. 

    As Matt mentioned earlier, you cannot see Venues in the Calendars.  This would be very helpful.  To be honest the calendar could be a very useful tool with improvements.  I'll have to put in a separate post for that. 

    Just let me know if you need more information. 



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    Matt Taylor

    Hey Hisham:

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    Matt Taylor

    Hey Gilles-Benyon-Bell, all I can see as Venue options are Name, Description, Longitute and Latitude. We use the Description field for both the address and any specific details regarding that venue (such as specific parking arrangements) but it just comes out as a big block of text.

    What would be ideal for my purposes, would be fields for the address and a website in addition to the description. Robin and I were joking about the Long/Lat being there as surely no-one uses those.

    RE: why we use Venues - 

    My company is divided into three centres (Locations): Manchester, Birmingham and London. We each have our own specific centres/offices (venues) that we each look after. Our learning platform pulls the location from ADM to indicate which centre should be looking after a specific student when they attend a course. We don't want to pull each individual venue into the learning platform - it would cause issues with various staff user permissions and create unnecessary dev work whenever we add a new one. Especially with some venues being a one-off arrangement, such as hiring a room somewhere to deliver a bespoke event. 

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    Hisham Arnaout

    Hey Robin and Matt,

    I have a quick question. When you say Calendars, which ones are you referring to? 

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    Robin Van Brunt

     Hisham Arnaout

    The one Matt shows along with the Instructor Availability one:


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