Custom Fields: Updating a choice value doesn't update the value on the entity
If we have a custom field that is either a choice or multi-choice field, we can set the options. If we update one of the options, this new option value is not reflected where the old value was selected.
For example, if I have a Contact custom field that is a choice field with the options of "Option A", "Option B", and "Option C".
If I go to Contact 1 and set the field as "Option C" it saves as expected.
If I then edit the custom field and change "Option C" to "Option C1" I would expect that when I go to Contact 1 the custom field value is displayed as "Option C1" but instead it shows no value.
Official comment
Thanks for the feedback. We agree with your perspective on this topic however we don't have any roadmap efforts planned yet that will address this. We will review this and update the status accordingly.
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