
Achievements: Allow to bulk download certificates for only learners that passed




  • Official comment
    Gilles Benyon-Bell

    Hi Sudeep,

    This is possible via the API. However, could you give us a little more context on why you are wanting to download such a large batch of certificates in one go?

    Is this a one-off or do you do this regularly?

    Many thanks

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    Sudeep Dutta

    Hi Gilles,

    As of now, this is for one event only. Event Id #6786

    We created a single event with 7000 students under the impression that ADM could handle the bulk student data efficiently. Unfortunately, this decision led to system failure and various other issues. One of the problems we encountered was the inability to download bulk certificates all at once.

    As per business requirements: Based on business requirements, it has been determined that Italian participants are not familiar with the systems. Therefore, the training coordinator will print the certificates and distribute them accordingly.

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    Gilles Benyon-Bell

    Thanks for the extra info Sudeep.

    In that case we would advise to use our API to download them in bulk in future should you need to. This can be done using our Core API - the specific API docs are here

    We'll close this idea down as it is not something we envisage building into the UI in the next 12 months. We'll leave the voting open for other organizations should they wish to upvote this idea.

    Many thanks

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