Core API & WebHooks Documentation | Deprecation Notices
- We have released a new root query contactBookings which allows you to retrieve Session, Holiday, and External Events bookings
- A new experimental eventStats node, used by the new dashboard in the TMS, is partially released. This is a highly experimental, limited aggregated-stats-based API pattern. It can only be used for the whole duration given by the time range (resolution: WHOLE), and it will return fine tuned, optimised event information including instructor and resource issues. As this is our first stats type of node, we will be looking to iterate on this design and release a new Developer Portal page when we have a firmer handle on the pattern and usage
- The OpportunityMutations.create now accepts an ownerId in its input so that an Opportunity Owner can be updated to a non-suspended UI user. If not provided, it will be assigned to the API user making the request
The Event type now has new property registrations which will expose a RegistrationConnection to all registrations issued for the Event
The Registration type now has new property project which will expose the AccountProject for which the Private Event Registration was made
- When creating a Blended Event, the Classroom Start and End times may have been returning incorrectly, despite the Event being created correctly. These should now match the expected values of the Event
- The partner-related fields on Account and Event have been deprecated and will be removed in 90 days, in particular:
- AccountCreateInput.isPartner
- AccountUpdateInput.isPartner
- AccountUpsertInput.isPartner
- Account.isPartner
- AccountFieldGraphFilter.isPartner
- AccountFieldGraphOrder.isPartner
- EventFieldGraphFilter.partnerId
- EventFieldGraphFilter.partnerName
LMS API Documentation | Deprecation Notices
WebLink API Documentation | Deprecation Notices
WebLink Widgets Documentation
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