We have been running our most up to date LMS solution for a number of years and are now planning to deprecate our legacy LMS.
Here are the important dates:
- Announcement Date: 30 August 2023
- End of Support Date: 31 October 2023
- End of Life Date: 31st January 2024
Why are we deprecating LMS 1.0?
As we continue to build Learning Infrastructure top help you and your organization scale, we are deprecating our legacy LMS. We have been running our most up to date LMS for a number of years now and is being used by all customers except for a small handful who have not adopted it yet. Our latest LMS has a huge amount of feature and performance enhancements and is built using its own specific API allowing for even easier integrations.
Am I Affected?
If your LMS looks like this then you will need to migrate to our latest LMS:
If your LMS looks like this, then you are not affected.
What Resources Are Available to Help Our Transition?
You can set up your LMS portal in the Control Panel, including all your branding. Check out how to configure the Portal here: https://support.getadministrate.com/hc/en-us/sections/13716128220433-Configuring-the-LMS
Of course, you can reach out to our Support team at any stage if you have any questions.
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