We changed how we add existing Contact Students to Events on Opportunities, depending on the opportunity’s account:
It is now possible to redeem Training Tokens on the Registration page for a Registration which includes a Learning Path.
When a User was created via a GraphQL mutation, it was previously impossible to edit the User's Identity in the Control Panel. We have resolved this issue, and it is now possible to update the User Identity in the Control Panel with the new edit icon on the User.
Opportunity Attributes introduced in the separate “Attributes” section will no longer be duplicated if they are moved to another section before being saved.
We fixed an issue in the Email Integrations page that prevented some folders from being displayed for users with many folders.
We have added Macros for Training Pass Communication Templates. They can display any Courses and Learning Paths included in a Training Pass.
There was an issue with the Training Pass Type dropdown in the Add Training modal. This has now been fixed and is working correctly.
Previously, when Users updated a Document Template and exceeded the character limit, we did not save the template and gave Users no warning that there was an issue. We have now added a warning on Document Templates to inform Users when they have exceeded the character limit.
Portals (LMS, WebLink)
Tokens can now be selected when adding a Learner to a Learning Path manually in the TMS app with the “Add Student” button.
We resolved an issue where the Learning Mode of an Event could not be changed.
When a Learner registers on a Learning Path with a Training Pass, they no longer have to select a Currency if there are multiple Currency Options for the Learning Path.
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